Position Description: Secretary, Amador County Branch, AAUW
Overview of the position: Serve as the branch recording and corresponding secretary.
Overall responsibilities:
- Serve on the branch board of directors and other committees as assigned.
- Take minutes at each board meeting, and each general meeting if business if conducted.
- Distribute the minutes to the board members for review, prior to the next board meeting.
- Maintain a file of the board and general meeting minutes.
- Conduct branch correspondence as directed by the president.
- Determine budgetary needs to execute the duties of the secretary to ensure that these needs are reflected in the branch budget.
- Submit a written report of your activities to the President at end of the fiscal year.
- Procure and maintain branch stationery supplies.
- Provide an orientation for your successor.
Specific responsibilities to the state AAUW:
Specific responsibilities to the national Association:
Available resources:
Approved 2003