Appointed Position Description: Home Tour Chair,
Amador County Branch, AAUW
Overview of the position: Assemble a committee to carry out the necessary duties to produce the Home Tour.
Overall responsibilities:
- Serve on the Branch Board of Directors as a voting member.
- Recruit Home Tour committee members.
- Through designated home finder(s), search for homes and historic sites in the chosen geographical location.
- Convene regular committee meetings to plan, delegate responsibilities, and carry out activities listed in the Home Tour timeline.
- Report to the board of directors on the progress of the committee.
- Monitor the Home Tour budget and committee reimbursements.
- Direct publicity efforts including updates in the branch newsletter, website and Facebook page.
- Ensure that all artwork and items for publication are professionally produced.
- Encourage participation by the membership in the Home Tour.
- On Tour Day, circulate among the sites to ensure the tour is proceeding smoothly.
- Hold a wrap-up meeting to receive reports from committee members and discuss possible sites for the following year.
- Write a final report on the Home Tour, utilizing personal observations and reports from the committee members.
Available resources: Home Tour files; past Home Tour chairs; members of the board.
Adopted March 21, 2013