Appointed Position Description: Newsletter Editor, Amador Branch AAUW
Overview of Position Responsible for the creation and distribution of a Newsletter that will keep the membership informed about Branch activities and issues. The Editor will be well informed and always mindful of the Mission of AAUW, as well as the Branch Policies and Bylaws.
Overall Responsibilities:
The Newsletter Editor will create a newsletter that:
- Provides information about Branch activities to include, but not limited to, the annual, general and board meetings, fund raising events, public service projects, interest groups and cooperative efforts with other organizations.
- Enhances member communication by providing updated phone numbers, e-mail and mailing addresses.
- Acknowledges members’ birthdays, conveys congratulations, sympathies, etc.
- Informs members about organizations that are seeking support for causes that the AAUW Board supports in principle. (A vote of the Board is required.)
- Features AAUW members who make contributions to the community, e.g. member named Amador Women of the Year, Chair of Grand Jury, elected to Board of Supervisors, School Board, or other notable action/honor.
- Highlights AAUW State and National Priorities through announcements and articles. Pertinent State and National websites will be included.
- Provides notice of the Board Meetings. These notices will include meeting date, place, and state that time is allotted for member input at the beginning of each board meeting.
- Includes any other special notices the Board deems necessary. (A vote of the Board is required on a month-by-month basis.)
The Newsletter Editor is responsible for:
- Setting deadlines.
- Adhering to editing and proof reading standards.
- Informing all parties of the deadline and items received after that deadline will appear in the next edition, if appropriate.
- Sending a draft of the newsletter for the presidents’ review prior to distribution.
- Emailing the newsletter, edited for member confidentiality, to the Webmaster.
- Distributing the newsletter to the membership (and State and National AAUW leaders and other Branches that request it) by the first of each month from September through June… to that end the editor will:
- Maintain a list of current email addresses for all members who are able and willing to receive the newsletter electronically.
- Keep a list of members who wish to have a hard copy of the newsletter sent via U.S. Postal Service and coordinate with person, designated by the President, responsible for that mailing.
Available Resources
Former Newsletter Editors
Policy/Operating Procedures, AAUW, Amador Branch
By-laws AAUW, Amador Branch
Board approved 3/19/09