Position Description: Membership Vice President,
Amador County Branch, AAUW
Overview of the position: Organize efforts to recruit and sustain a diverse, active branch membership.
Overall responsibilities:
- Serve on the branch board of directors and other committees as assigned.
- Understand all membership policies.
- Form a branch membership committee to help plan and implement strategies to identify, recruit, and retain branch members.
- Evaluate, with the help of the committee, previous membership efforts, current membership and community demographics and identify any underrepresented groups that should be the focus of recruitment activities.
- Determine budgetary needs for membership activities and ensure that these needs are reflected in the branch budget.
- Obtain the names of AAUW members at large and invite them to branch activities, in an effort to interest them in branch membership.
- Ensure that membership development priorities are included in branch’s strategic plan.
- Work with other branch officers and committees to integrate membership into other branch activities.
- Promote AAUW membership at branch and community events.
- Work with the branch treasurer to ensure proper collection and processing of applications and dues.
- Ensure that the branch has an orientation program that creates a welcoming environment and encourages new members to become involved.
- Notify Newsletter Chair of the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail address of new members, for publication in the next newsletter.
- Submit membership renewal information to Newsletter Chair for publication in the May newsletter.
- Provide a complete list of members, including pertinent information, to the Directory committee in time to meet the publication target date.
- Contact (with the cooperation of the Treasurer) the members who have not paid their dues by the July 1, and advise them that a member with unpaid dues by July 31, will be dropped from the membership rolls.
- Keep a record of branch membership data to include the number of members who did not renew from the prior year, the number of the renewing/new members at the beginning of the fiscal year, the number of members as of Feb. 1st, and the number of new/renewing members at the end of the fiscal year.
- Make a written report, to include membership data and your activities, to the President at end of the fiscal year.
- Provide an orientation for your successor.